From the boardroom

Posted on Sep 15 2024 in Carroll White REMC
CW REMC board
Front row, from left, CEO Cathy Raderstorf, Margaret Foutch, and Tina Davis. Back row, from left, Aaron Anderson, Jeff Newell, Kent Zimpfer, Gary Gerlach, and Ralph Zarse.

The following is a recap of the May, June, and July 2024 board meetings:


The Carroll White REMC board of directors met on May 23. Roll call was taken, and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

The board then heard the finance and accounting report from Accounting Manager Megan Brown and accepted new members who had applied for service.

Meeting reports were heard from Indiana Electric Cooperatives by Gary Gerlach and Wabash Valley Power Alliance by Tina Davis. The board then heard reports from each department.


The Carroll White REMC board of directors met on June 27. Roll call was taken and minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

With this being the first meeting after the Annual Meeting, the board went through a re-organization to discuss the officers for the next year. Officers for the coming year are as follows: Kent Zimpfer, president; Aaron Anderson, vice president; Ralph Zarse, secretary-treasurer; and Tina Davis, assistant secretary-treasurer.

The board then heard a brief Annual Meeting review from Communications and Public Relations Manager Casey Crabb. Accounting Manager Megan Brown then presented the accounting and finance report.

The board then reviewed the policies for CEO Succession Management and Succession Plan and the policy on Conflict of Interest.

The board heard a report from the CFC Forum/ACES Conference, Indiana Electric Cooperatives, and Wabash Valley Power Alliance. The board also heard reports from each department.


Anna Morehouse
Anna Morehouse

The Carroll White REMC board of directors met on July 25. Roll call was taken and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

The board heard the accounting and finance report and reviewed the applications for new memberships.

The board then heard meeting reports from Indiana Electric Cooperatives and Wabash Valley Power Alliance and a detailed review of the Annual Meeting.

The board then heard reports from each department and discussed the upcoming National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Regional Meeting.

A highlight of the meeting was hearing Youth Tour delegate Anna Morehouse share experiences from her June trip to Washington, D.C.