October is National Co-op Month, and this year, the theme is “Co-ops See the Future.” Orange County REMC and co-ops across the country are celebrating the benefits and values of being a cooperative member.

The part of the image above shaded in blue indicates the next area for Orange County Fiber. If you live in this area, visit www.orangecountyfiber.coop to indicate your interest in this service.
One big way we are currently focused on the future is in the creation of Orange County Fiber, a subsidiary and division of Orange County REMC that is building fiber-optic network to bring high-speed internet to our rural communities. We are excited to put plans in motion to provide a service to our membership that, up until now, has been very limited.
I am pleased to announce phase 1 began last month. Orange County REMC members whose power is provided by the Roosevelt substation are currently eligible to sign up for internet service by visiting our website, www.orangecountyfiber.coop, or contacting the office.
All members within the Orange County REMC service territory are encouraged to visit our website and submit their address to show their interest in connecting to Orange County Fiber. To maintain efficiency and cost savings, we will focus on bringing service to the areas that show the most interest after the completion of Phase 1. To learn more about Orange County REMC and Orange County Fiber, please visit our website, www.myremc.coop, and follow us on Facebook.
We would also like to invite our members to join us in celebrating Co-op Month, by visiting the office on Oct. 11 for Member Appreciation Day. There will be food and prizes as well as an opportunity to meet the employees and directors who make safe and reliable electricity possible.
Orange County REMC is proud to be part of America’s cooperative network as well as Indiana Electric Cooperatives, which includes 38 electric co-ops that distribute electricity to approximately 900,000 Hoosiers.
Matthew C. Deaton
General Manager/CEO