Why is voting important?
Author Sharon Salzberg explained, “Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country, and this world,” and politician Jens Stoltenberg said, “By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions.” Or someone who put it more bluntly, comedian George Carlin, stated, “If you don’t vote, you lose the right to complain.”
If you don’t vote, you’re not only missing the opportunity to support a candidate who shares your views and concerns, you’re allowing others to chart a course that impacts your future. That’s why we’re encouraging all LaGrange County REMC members to recognize National Voter Registration Day on Sept. 22.
Your vision, your vote
While local elections may not be as exciting as the high-profile presidential election, they are just as critical. Local elections have a direct impact on your community and on your quality of life.
Like the national level, local elections represent who we are as a community, and more importantly, where we want to go. Whether it’s an election for a mayor, sheriff, state representative or a school board member, your vision for the community is tied to your vote.
Voting keeps elected officials accountable. Elections are a direct and tangible source of feedback.
Staying in sync with the community
Voting is also one of the most important duties you have as a member of an electric cooperative.
LaGrange County REMC’s annual board of directors’ election may be over – having taken place around our June annual meeting – but the impact of our members and their right to vote for the co-op’s leadership is felt throughout the year.
The board provides strategic guidance on the direction of our co-op and how we serve the community. Our directors embody the voice and identity of our community.
While day-to-day decisions are made by our employees, bigger decisions are made by the board, whose mission is to look out for the vitality of the co-op and the members we serve. LaGrange County REMC board members provide their perspective on community priorities, thereby enabling us to make more informed decisions on long-term investments.
Whether it’s voting for your LaGrange County REMC directors or hitting the polls for your local election, your participation makes an impact. A strong voter turnout in local elections shows investment in the community and ensures that a diverse number of views are represented. The whole community benefits when more people participate in the process, because greater numbers reflect a consensus on the direction of the future and the will of the people.
By voting in national, state and local elections, you are serving as a role model for your family, friends and colleagues. The act of voting demonstrates your support for the community and helps officials chart a course for the future. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Research candidates, learn about issues that are on the ballot and get out and vote.
In the state of Indiana you must register to vote by Oct. 5. We hope you do so and make your voice heard.