Giving back to grow tall

Posted on Feb 18 2024 in Noble REMC

Serving a rural area means serving more than just its people. Noble REMC aims to serve and protect the land, which supports us all.

Each year, we provide grants from our EnviroWatts program to benefit nonprofit service organizations working to better the environment locally in Noble, DeKalb or the surrounding counties.

Is your organization improving the air quality of our area? Are you trying to create or restore habitat for wildlife? Do you encourage recycling or educate the public on local environmental issues?

Perfect! Now’s the time to apply.

Noble REMC is now accepting grant applications from such organizations to help in completing their eco-friendly projects. For a full list of details and a copy of the application, visit

Completed applications are due into the Noble REMC office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 4.

EnviroWatts is only possible because of our members. Those who participate pay an additional 1 cent for their first 500 kilowatt hours each month. Those kilowatt-hours are then generated from renewable, environmentally preferred sources, and those pennies go directly back into the community through grants to these improvement initiatives.