Go above and beyond for a safe harvest

Smart harvest safety tips

  • Pass with care. Give farmers room this harvest season. Be patient as they move equipment between fields and farms.
  • Never attempt to raise or move power lines to clear a path. It could result in electric shock or death.
  • Exercise caution near power lines. Be careful when raising augers or the beds of grain trucks around power lines.
  • Use spotters when operating large machinery near power lines. Ensure the spotters do not touch the machinery while it is moving near power lines.
  • Do not exit a vehicle if it comes into contact with a power line. Call 911 and wait for assistance. While rare, the only reason to exit equipment that has come into contact with overhead lines is if the equipment is on fire. However, if a fire occurs in that situation, jump off the equipment with your feet together and without touching the machinery and the ground at the same time. Then, still keeping your feet together, hop to safety as you leave the area.