GPS inspections to take place

Posted on Jun 19 2024 in Warren County REMC

Davey Resource Group (DRG), a contractor for Warren County REMC, is performing a GPS inspection in your area. The scope of DRG’s work is to locate all wooden poles, meters, and underground devices that your electric cooperatives owns and maintains.

This process involves walking to the devices, installing pole tags and/or stickers to identify the structures, and capturing a GPS location. The purpose for this project will enable Warren County REMC to update its mapping system and utilize new technology to identify the electric grid.

The tentative start date was in May, with a finish date of February 2025. The crews will start at the southern end of the system in Vermillion County and progress to the north until the inspection is completed.

Entering your property, in some cases, will be necessary to access cooperative-owned equipment. DRG employees working for Warren County REMC will be able to identify themselves. DRG vehicles will also include Warren County REMC visual identification.

If you have any concerns, please contact the cooperative at 765-762-6114. We appreciate your assistance with this inspection program.