In their own words …

Indiana Youth Tour delegates reflect on their trip to Washington

Posted on Aug 19 2024 in Noble REMC
Kids in front of Washington Memorial

Noble REMC Indiana Youth Tour Delegates Ben Keefer and Katy Dreibelbis.
Noble REMC Indiana Youth Tour Delegates Ben Keefer and Katy Dreibelbis.

Indiana Youth Tour is described by our delegates as an amazing and incredible experience for high school juniors from our cooperative family, where students travel to Washington, D.C., to learn about public service, our nation’s history and the electric cooperative story.

Noble REMC was fortunate to sponsor two students on the tour June 16–23Ben KeeferandKaty Dreibelbis.

They joined a delegation of Indiana students representing our state’s electric cooperatives, alongside thousands of students from across the country, while visiting numerous memorials and museums.

The delegates also participated in a youth rally hosted by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and spent a day on Capitol Hill.

Let’s hear about their experience directly from this year’s delegates:


Getting to attend the Indiana Youth Tour was one of the most amazing experiences of my entire life. The trip brought me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to meet lots of new people. I also got to experience many different parts of our nation’s history in a way that I never had before. This trip was my first time ever being in Washington, and prior to leaving, I was a little worried about all of the unknowns I would encounter. I didn’t know if I would be able to make friends easily, and I didn’t know what exactly to expect on the trip. However, my worries were soon alleviated after arriving at the Indiana Electric Cooperatives headquarters and meeting my small group. From that point on, it was the trip of a lifetime.

During the trip, we visited many different museums and memorials, including the Flight 93 National Memorial, Gettysburg, Ford’s Theatre, the Capitol Building and the National Mall. One of my favorite places was the National Mall. We drove by the Washington Monument numerous times on the trip, but getting to see it up close was amazing. Also, I had a lot of fun putting my feet in the water and seeing the ducks at the WWII memorial. The Lincoln Memorial was probably my favorite part of the National Mall because it is so iconic and has a spectacular view. Our group also sang the national anthem in front of the Lincoln Memorial, which was a magical moment. The National Museum of the Marine Corps was another one of my favorites. I really liked getting to learn about the history of the Marines, and there were many interesting pieces of military equipment and vehicles to see.

Although all of the sights on the trip were amazing, the people I encountered on the trip were definitely the best part. All of the chaperones were very fun, and I also enjoyed our bus driver, Dena. The best part of all was meeting lots of new friends among the delegates. I got to meet people from all over Indiana and hear about their unique perspectives from where they came from. I became good friends with the people in my group, the people I sat near on the bus, and my roommates from the week. We grew very close through all the games we played and conversations we had. By the end of the week, it felt like I had known everyone there for my whole life. One of my favorite memories was getting to go to the National Harbor on our last night in Washington and have fun taking pictures and walking around with my new friends. I really miss the people I met on the trip, and I hope to meet up with them again soon.

I am so thankful to Noble REMC for sponsoring me on the Youth Tour. The experiences I had and the friendships I made will stick with me for the rest of my life. I would highly recommend any high school junior who is interested to apply for this trip. It was truly the trip of a lifetime.


I am beyond thankful to Noble REMC for the incredible opportunity to visit our country’s capital with fellow young Hoosiers! The Indiana Youth Tour truly provided a once in a lifetime experience to visit such amazing memorials and museums during the trip to Washington. I am forever grateful that I was chosen to be part of the 2024 trip and heavily recommend that all juniors apply for this amazing event!

Before entering the capital, Indiana’s delegates traveled to Pennsylvania, where we got to visit the Flight 93 National Memorial and learn about the victims and heroes of the flight. We also had a tour through the Gettysburg Battlefield.

There was never a dull moment. Getting to know everyone on the long bus rides was more than entertaining. I had the pleasure of being on Coach 2, which meant we had the best bus driver, Dena! Even when we would be back at the hotels or waiting in line for an exhibit, we had various occasions to socialize with kids all around the country also on the trip — trading pins with the different states was one of the highlights. It was truly amazing getting to know the students and chaperones on the Youth Tour and creating friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime.

While in Washington, my favorite places we visited were Mount Vernon, the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Ford’s Theatre, the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It was an amazing experience to walk around Mount Vernon and be able to see how President Washington and others used to live. Learning more about President Lincoln while visiting the Ford’s Theatre was so fascinating. One of my favorite facts from Lincoln’s life was that his kid’s nickname “Tad” was based on a tadpole since his head was large!

The Holocaust Memorial Museum was deeply heartbreaking and truly fascinating. Reading and listening to Holocaust survivors’ stories and seeing the museum’s displays brought me further understanding and sorrow. I encourage everyone to witness the realities of the Holocaust through the museum’s exhibits.

I once again want to thank everyone at Noble REMC for supplying me with an incredible chance to gain deeper understanding of the United States government and history through the Indiana Youth Tour by traveling to Washington and learning more about my electric cooperative during my travels!

Delegates met with U.S. Sen. Todd Young on the steps of Capitol Hill.
Delegates met with U.S. Sen. Todd Young on the steps of Capitol Hill.