Interested in serving as a director?

Mandatory Meeting June 23

Posted on Jun 03 2020 in Kankakee Valley REMC

Your electric cooperative is run by a democratically elected board of directors. If you are interested in leading your cooperative, then consider running for directorship in this year’s election. You must attend the mandatory meeting on June 23 at the REMC beginning at 6:30 p.m. CDT to be placed on the election ballot.Director elections will begin  on Aug 10. 

Director Packets

Director packets are still available and can be mailed to you. Call our office at 219-733-2511 to request a packet. 

Two Districts Up for Election

The board is comprised of seven directors, five representing a specific geographical district and two represent the cooperative at-large.  We will be electing one director to represent District 4 and one at-large director.  

District 4 which includes Davis, Center, Oregon, Washington, and North Bend townships in Starke County, and Union and West townships in Marshall County.

The At-Large Director position is open to any member-consumer who resides in any area served by KV REMC.