Kick ‘energy hogs’ out of your house

Posted on Feb 25 2021 in Features
Closing the damper on your fireplace is one way to keep “energy hogs” at bay.

“Energy hogs” are villainous creatures that feed on wasted energy. Don’t let your home be their home, too.

  1. Insulate your house. Insulation traps warm air inside so you don’t have to turn up the heat. In the summer, it keeps the cool air in and warm air out, reducing the amount of energy it takes to cool your home.
  2. Close the damper. When your fireplace is not in use, hot air escapes up through the chimney.
  3. Caulk or weather-strip windows. Windows are one of the easiest places to lose warm or cool air and energy. Check for cracks or loose panes and repair them. Make sure you can’t feel a cool breeze around your windows.