Noble REMC recently awarded three $1,000 scholarships to help students in our community further their education.
To be eligible, the recipients’ parents or guardians must be members of Noble REMC. Candidates were judged anonymously based on grade point average, a short autobiography and letters of recommendation, as well as their involvement at school and in the community.
This year’s recipients are:
Thaddeus Foster is a graduate of Central Noble High School and plans to attend Purdue University to pursue a degree in agricultural engineering. After earning his degree and becoming an engineer, he also hopes to run his family farm on the side. He is the son of Bert and Chris Foster of Albion.
Meleah Leatherman is a graduate of Central Noble High School and will attend the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne. She plans to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and work in an emergency room or obstetrics department. She is the daughter of Dennis and Lori Leatherman of Albion.
Anna Stayner is a graduate of Central Noble High School and plans to attend Indiana University Fort Wayne to pursue a degree in nursing. Her goal is to become a pediatric nurse and raise a family in her native Noble County. She is the daughter of Rodney and Jennifer Stayner of Albion.