There’s an old political saying, “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” This adage is the perfect answer to the question, “why vote?” It’s a blunt description of what happens when you don’t engage in the political process.
If you don’t vote, you’re not only missing the opportunity to support a candidate who shares your views and concerns, you’re allowing others to chart a course that impacts your future.
Your vision, your vote
While local elections may not be as exciting as the high-profile presidential election, they are just as critical. Local elections have a direct impact on your community and on your quality of life.
Like those at the national level, local elections represent who we are as a community, and more importantly, where we want to go. Whether it’s an election for a mayor, sheriff, state representative, school board, or an electric co-op board member, your vision for the community is tied to your vote.
Voting keeps elected officials accountable. Elections are a direct and tangible source of feedback. For example, Warren County REMC board members provide strategic guidance on the direction of the co-op and how it serves the community. Local board members embody the voice and identity of the community.
In sync with the community
Ultimately, the role of the co-op board is governance. While day-to-day decisions are made by our employees, bigger decisions are made by the board, whose mission is look out for the vitality of the co-op and the members we serve. Southern Indiana Power board members provide their perspective on community priorities, thereby enabling us to make more informed decisions on long-term investments.
By voting in national, state and local elections, you are serving as a role model for your family, friends and colleagues. The act of voting demonstrates your support for the community and helps officials chart a course for the future. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Research candidates, learn about issues that are on the ballot and get out and vote.