March board meeting summary

Posted on Apr 27 2018 in Southern Indiana Power

In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the Feb. 23 board meeting.

  1. All directors were present along with CEO Steve Seibert and administrative assistant Lisa Hinton. Also present were accountant Amy Ramsey and Joe Boesing, CPA with Monroe Shine.
  2. The Feb. 23 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
  3. The membership certificates and vouchers were reviewed and approved.
  4. The board approved a 2018 budget amount for retiring capital credits for estates. 
  5. The board approved the 2018-2019 strategic plan.
  6. As the first item of new business, Boesing reviewed the 2017 audit report.  The board approved the 2017 audit report as presented.
  7. Ramsey reviewed IRS Form 990 information with directors.
  8. The CEO report was presented with Seibert reporting the following items:
    a. Seibert updated the board on the city of Tell City’s proposed annexation.
    b. Seibert reviewed a summary of the American Customer Satisfaction index (ACSI) survey.
    c. Seibert reviewed the 2017 Cooperatives ONE financial report.
    d. Seibert provided an IEC legislative update.
    e. Seibert reported on the Riverview Energy project.
    f. Seibert informed the board the EAP moratorium ended March 15.
    g. Seibert reported flood damage cost estimates of $22,300.
    h. Seibert informed the board about the snow Marrch 11 that caused 39 outages affecting 800 members.
    i. Seibert reported on the 2018 Hoosier Energy/Southern Indiana Power coordinated media buy, which includes TV, newspaper and radio ads.
    j.  Seibert reported April 9 is National Lineman Appreciation Day, and April 25 is National Administrative Professionals Day.
    k. Seibert updated directors on upcoming annual meeting dates of neighboring co-ops.
    l.  Seibert reported the following meeting dates: NRECA director’s conference – March 26-28, Hoosier Energy annual meeting – April 5, NRECA legislative conference – April 8-11, Southern Indiana Power annual meeting – April 17.
  9. A motion was made, seconded and carried by the board to approve the retirement of 1993 capital credit allocations in 2018.
  10. Committee Chairman Gary Waninger reported on an Operation Round Up board of trustees meeting held March 14.  Grant and scholarship applications were reviewed; $18,590 in grants and $2,000 in scholarships will be funded.
  11. John Bullock, training and safety specialist at Hoosier Energy, provided rigging training and knot tying review on March 7. Seibert advised there were no lost time accidents and no public liability claims to report.
  12. Waninger reported on the NRECA annual meeting held Feb. 26-28.
  13. Chairman Jeff Vogel reported on the NRUCFC annual meeting held in conjunction with the NRECA annual meeting.
  14. The next two regularly scheduled board of directors meetings will be held April 30 and May 30.