Meet one of our John H. Anglin Scholarship recipients

Posted on Sep 19 2024 in Kosciusko REMC
Katelyn Stump

Every year Kosciusko REMC awards 10 $1,000 John H. Anglin scholarships to members who are pursuing higher education. We always look forward to shining a spotlight on some of our scholarship recipients.

KREMC: Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.

My name is Katelyn Stump, and I am from Silver Lake, Indiana. I have always lived in Kosciusko County, and I have been involved in many organizations within my time in school dedicated towards helping to better my community. I did KYLA (Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy) and co-founded a non-profit dedicated to planting native trees locally through this organization. I was the secretary of the Student Council at TVHS and the president of my school’s chapter of National Honor Society. I was a team captain of the varsity swim team, involved in art club, mock trial, sunshine society, and JAG. I have always been very involved in my school as well as my community!

KREMC: What inspired you to pursue higher education, and how do you envision it contributing to your future goals?

I have always known that I wanted to attend college, even when I did not know where I would find myself. Both of my parents went to college and encouraged me to follow in their footsteps, and due to my dedication to my academics, I feel confident that I will do well. I strive to leave the world a better place, and I feel as if attending college with the end goal of becoming an attorney is the best way for me to put my talents to use. I will attend Indiana University this fall, eventually go to law school, and then become an attorney to help those around me.

KREMC: Can you share some details about the field of study you’ve chosen and why it resonates with you?

I decided to major in International Law and Institutions and hopefully minor in Spanish because I would like to become an attorney to help my community. I find law to be immensely interesting, and I love the idea of taking something that interests me and making a career out of it. As an attorney, I would be able to reach areas of the community that tend to be overlooked, and I am looking forward to dedicating my time to my career.

KREMC: Were there any specific challenges or obstacles you faced during your educational journey, and how did you overcome them?

The challenge that I tended to run into was self-doubt. At times, I felt as if I got myself involved into so many organizations and so invested into my academics that I would inevitably fail at something, but I knew that I had to push through to get to my end goal. I realized that it was okay to struggle at balancing everything, and allowing myself to say no or ask for help was perfectly healthy.

KREMC: Have you been involved in any notable extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or leadership roles that have shaped your character and skills?

From when I was young, I was told that I was a leader, but I did not entirely understand what that meant in my life. I have always been very calm and reserved, and I worried that this somehow exempted me from the role that so many thought I was capable of. When I became NHS president, Student Council secretary, and involved in KYLA, I realized the nuances of the term “leader.” I realized that I was capable of making tough decisions, speaking to and for my peers, guiding those around me, and ultimately changing things for the better. Every organization I was in taught me that I was capable of things I never realized, changing me into the person that I am today.

KREMC: Are there any professors, mentors, or role models who have had a significant impact on your academic and personal development?

My fifth-grade teacher, Jennifer Gunder, has shaped me into the person that I am today, and I am forever grateful for her. I think that it takes a really special person to have such an impact on you from a fairly early educational age, but that is exactly what she has done for me. She challenged me, trusted me, believed in me, and allowed me to understand myself better. She is the biggest advocate for kindness, and she embodies exactly what she teaches. I had this false notion that I was perhaps too kind or too soft, but Mrs. Gunder made me realize that caring is not a flaw, but in fact, the polar opposite. I have carried her lessons and kind nature with me throughout my time in school, and I would not be where I am today without her.

KREMC: How do you plan to give back to your community or make a positive difference in society once you’ve completed your higher education?

The thing that I find really appealing about law is that there are so many opportunities to help the world around me while doing something that I love, and I believe that providing justice for the people of my community will positively impact society.

KREMC: Are there any specific research projects, internships, or study abroad opportunities you’re looking forward to pursuing during your academic journey?

Yes! My major requires me to both study abroad and hold an internship, which I find to be so exciting. I’m excited to get to explore more cultures while abroad, and I am ready to have some in-depth law experience through an internship!

KREMC: Can you share a significant academic achievement or project that you’re particularly proud of and the skills it helped you develop?

An academic achievement that I’m really proud of is placing third in my class. I worked very hard in my academics, and I was so excited when I found out my rank. I learned a lot from chasing a good rank and it helped me grow. My best friends were first and second, and I realized that I could be so overwhelmingly proud of them and myself, even though I did not end up where I strived to be. I learned that chasing glory in the form of a number did not define my character, it demonstrated my academic success. I was equally proud of myself and my academics.

KREMC: Finally, what does receiving this scholarship mean to you, and how will it support your educational endeavors?

Receiving this scholarship was immensely flattering and I am beyond grateful for it. It feels as if my efforts and achievements have been recognized, and I feel much more relieved about being able to achieve my goals. Due to this scholarship, my higher education has become more affordable, allowing me to feel much more confident in my ability to pay for both my undergraduate schooling and law schooling. I am forever thankful for the opportunity to receive this scholarship and the time and effort put in by the board members to make this possible.