The annual meeting of the members of the Decatur County Rural Electric Membership Corporation was held at the Decatur County Fairground Livestock Pavilion, Greensburg, Indiana, on June 22, 2018. Activities began at 4 p.m. with a business meeting at 6 p.m. REMC Corporate Relations Manager Rachel Sullivan welcomed the members and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Arthur Alunday gave the invocation. The meeting was called to order by Board Chairman Tom Crowe, and Jason Barnhorst, board secretary, kept the minutes.
The secretary reported that the members present had been checked and a quorum was present.
The secretary read the notice of the meeting, together with the proof of mailing, to all members of the corporation; and such notice and proofs were ordered annexed to the minutes of the annual meeting of the members.
The annual report, which included the treasurer’s report, was mailed to each member.
Upon a motion properly made and carried, the minutes of the annual meeting of the members held March 14, 2017, were approved as printed in the annual report.
Chairman Crowe and CEO Brett Abplanalp reported to the membership on the activities at Decatur County REMC for the year 2017. Director Dan Schantz shared information regarding Hoosier Energy and Director Roy Friedersdorf spoke of the benefits of Indiana Electric Coopera-tives and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.
The election of directors and the nominating committee was conducted by REMC Attorney Don Wickens. Those elected and certified by the inspectors of election for directors of the corporation were:
Brian Scheidler, District 5
Dale Wernke, District 6
Michael Brelage, District 8
The following persons were elected to the nominating committee:
Brad Armand, District 6
Kenny Peters, District 7
Mary Ollier, District 8
A $10 credit will be applied to members’ accounts for voting and an $10 additional credit will be given to members who registered at the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.