Dear Member:
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the annual meeting of the members of Warren County Rural Electric Membership Corporation will be held in the Beef House Restaurant facilities, located at the junction of I-74 and State Road 63, Covington, Indiana, beginning at 7 p.m. (EST) on WEDNESDAY, April 3 (Snow Date – April 17) to take action upon the following matters pertaining to the annual meeting of the members of said corporation, pursuant to the bylaws of the Corporation as restated July 10, 2020, to wit:
- To consider and pass upon the reports of officers, directors and committees.
- To take any and all action to transact any and all business that may be necessary, convenient and desirable, in connection with any of the foregoing matters at said meeting and for the transaction of such other business thereof, including the election of directors pursuant to the bylaws of the corporation.
- The election of two (2) directors, who have been duly nominated by the Committee on Nominations:
a. For the regular three (3) year term, viz:
- Dwain R. Akers
- David L. Lawlyes
YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the bylaws of the corporation provide for nominations for directors by petition, and that such petition must be filed within thirty (30) days of the annual meeting.
Dated this 5th day of February, 2024.
Don McKinnis
Secretary-Treasurer, Warren County REMC