The Boone REMC Operation Round Up (ORU) Board voted to award grants to three visible not for profits in Boone County. In total, $18,231.25 in grants were awarded this quarter.
A Boone REMC Round Up grant of $5,000 will go directly towards the cost of building the 2022 Community of Faith Build house for Habitat for Humanity of Boone County (HFHBC).
“Our volunteers and sponsors are our life blood – we couldn’t do what we do without their support,” Liz Qua, Executive Director of HFHBC said. “We are excited to be an organization that empowers donors and volunteers to make a difference in Boone County.”
According to Qua, workforce, cost of land and supplies have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the need for housing has also increased.
Boone REMC Round Up will fund the breakfast for campers at the Mental Health America of Boone County (MHABC). In the past, funding has come from a COVID-19 grant. However, now that grant has gone away.
“The increased cost of food and growing numbers has created a need,” said Katie Pollock, Senior Staff and Attorney for MHABC. “This allows us to provide food without having to charge the campers in their registration fee.”
Breakfast for each student breaks down to roughly $2.75 per camper.
Sugar Creek Art Center (SCAC) was the recipient of a $10,000 Operation Round Up grant to repair a leaking roof.
“We learned the first week of April that the roof was beyond patching and it needed to be replaced,” said Karen Wright, President of the SCAC.
A Boone REMC ORU grant was awarded for a roof in 2008.
“We have been fortunate for the community support over the 16+ years starting an art center in addition to rehabilitating the three historic buildings,” Wright said. “Boone REMC has been instrumental for SCAC to accomplish this undertaking.”
The applications for the next grant cycle will be due Monday, Aug. 15. The next board meeting will take place Sept. 20. For more information or to find the guidelines and the application, log on to bremc.com under the resources and community tab.