2023 Official Annual Meeting Minutes — March 18, 2023
The Annual Meeting was held at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc., headquarters building, Paulding, Ohio. Steve McMichael, board chairman, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. The meeting was held as a virtual/video conference. The meeting was broadcast on via Facebook Live and on YouTube. McMichael began the meeting by reciting the pledge of allegiance.
McMichael noted the meeting notice had been mailed to all members in the February issue of Indiana Connection and this notice contained the meeting agenda. He stated he was dispensing with the reading of the notice as it had been certified as mailed to all members. He stated the agenda would be approved as mailed.
McMichael noted the minutes to the meeting held on March 19, 2022, had been mailed to all members in the recent issue Indiana Connection. He dispensed with the reading of the minutes as they were certified as mailed to all members and the minutes would stand approved as mailed.
Dr. Ronald Black gave the treasurer’s report. He stated his written report appeared in the cooperative’s annual report and members could obtain a copy at the office or review the audit report upon request. He further stated the audited financial report was completed by the local firm of Bashore, Reineck, Stoller & Waterman. The CPA firm had issued an unqualified or clean audit opinion.
McMichael introduced a video message given by Patrick O’Loughlin, president and CEO of Buckeye Power and Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives. McMichael discussed the seven cooperative principles and related how the cooperative and the cooperative’s employees were defying the norm while fulfilling those principles. He discussed several areas of operations and thanked the employees and board members for their diligent efforts during a challenging year. McMichael informed the audience of the upcoming member appreciation event to be held on July 22, 2023, and to look for additional details regarding the event in the near future.
George Carter gave the president’s report. He started by introducing a video by 2022 Youth Tour student Joey Schnipke. Carter reviewed several areas of operations, including the successful 2022 member appreciation day; operations activity, including upgrades to multiple substations; national Spotlight on Excellence Awards; and a detailed review of increased power cost and the impacts to member bills. Carter reviewed the successful community service project spearheaded by Amy Waters. He stated the project greatly assisted the Clothes for Joes organization. Carter thanked the board and employees for their hard work during the year to achieve and meet cooperative goals.
Carter announced the winners of the cooperative’s scholarship program:
- Laura Stoller, Wayne Trace High School, $1,000 Ohio Line Supervisors Association
- Kayla Nartker, Kalida High School, $1,000
- Marissa Beckett, Ottawa Glandorf High School, $1,000
- Ellie Keehn, Columbus Grove High School, $800
- Hayden Mullen, Paulding High School, $800
- Kayla Gerding, Ottawa Glandorf High School, $600
- Brooke Erhart, Kalida High School, $600
- Jayla Utrup, Ottawa Glandorf High School, $600 (At-Large)
Carter was called upon to present the election results. He stated there were no changes to the Code of Regulations for this year.
Three districts (1, 6, and 9) were up for election: Trustees Joseph Kohnen (District 1), Dr. John Saxton (District 6), and Dr. Ronald Black (District 9) all submitted petitions for re-election; no other petitions were received. Thus, all trustees were re-elected by affirmation.
McMichael stated there was no old business.
McMichael said there was one item under new business. He stated the board had completed the executive search for a new president and CEO. He said Randy Price was selected as the new president and CEO, effective April 3, 2023. McMichael introduced Price.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, McMichael declared the meeting adjourned.