Pick heart-healthy proteins

Posted on Jan 28 2025 in Features, Newton County REMC
Heart healthy proteins

Too many saturated fats can cause high cholesterol and plaque build-up, increasing your risk of heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends choosing healthy sources of proteins, mostly from plant sources; regularly eating fish and seafood; substituting fat-free and low-fat dairy products instead of full-fat versions; and for people who eat meat or poultry, choosing those that are lean and unprocessed. 

Alternative sources of protein

Fish and shellfish are good sources of protein. Certain fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that have health benefits. Examples include anchovies, herring, mackerel, black cod, salmon, sardines, bluefin tuna, whitefish, and striped bass. As part of a heart-healthy diet, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of heart failure, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrest, and the most common type of stroke.

Plant foods that contain plenty of protein include beans, peas, lentils, and nuts. There are many types of beans, such as pinto, kidney, garbanzo, and soybeans. They’re all good for you. Put lentils, split peas, and black-eyed peas on the list, too. Plant protein sources do not contain saturated fats and provide dietary fiber and other nutrients. Nuts, peanuts, and soybeans also contain healthy unsaturated fats. 

Tips for people who like meat 

In general, red meats, such as beef, pork, and lamb, have more saturated fat than skinless chicken, fish, and plant proteins. Saturated fats can raise your blood cholesterol. If you eat poultry, pork, beef, or other meats, choose lean meat, skinless poultry, and unprocessed forms. Also, choose healthy portions.

One portion of cooked meat is 3 ounces. To help you judge sizes, a 3-ounce portion is:

  • A piece of meat about the size of a deck of cards
  • A small chicken drumstick or thigh
  • 3/4 cup of flaked fish
  • Two thin slices of lean roast beef (each slice 3 inches by 3 inches by 1/4-inch)