Cinnamon Roll Swirl Cake

Posted on Mar 24 2022 in
Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake
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Cinnamon Roll Swirl Cake


3 cups flour

¼ t. salt

1 cup sugar

1 t. baking powder

1½ cups milk

2 eggs

2 t. vanilla

½ cup butter, melted



1 cup butter, softened
   to almost melted

1 cup brown sugar

2 T. flour

2 T. cinnamon


2 cups powdered sugar

5 T. milk

1 t. vanilla

For cake, mix all ingredients except butter in a large bowl. Once mixed, slowly add butter and mix together. Pour into a greased 9-by-13-inch pan. Mix all ingredients for topping together until well-combined. Drop topping evenly over the batter and swirl with a knife. Bake at 350 F for 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile, mix glaze ingredients together. After cake is done, and while still warm, drizzle with glaze.

Recipe courtesy of Lannette Knebel, Jasper