Shopping the sales

When can you get the best appliance deals?

Posted on Jul 22 2020 in Features
People looking at buying an appliance

You can save a bundle on major appliances during Labor Day sales. 

At this time of the year, stores are making room for next year’s models of refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, microwave ovens, and washers and dryers, which they introduce in September and October. 

So, they offer deep discounts at end-of-summer sales. 

Look on retailers’ websites for coupons that can shave even more off the price of kitchen and laundry room appliances. 

Not ready to buy? Mark your calendars for upcoming sales year round, especially on:

  • Columbus Day, the second Monday of October.
  • Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Look for appliance “packages;” you’ll save extra if you buy several appliances from the same store at once.
  • The week after Christmas. All of next year’s new models will be fully in stock by then so stores will put 2020 appliances on clearance.
  • New Year’s Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day are big sale days in January. And look for big sales on President’s Day in February.
  • During the spring, stores advertise sales on small appliances like microwaves and coffee makers that might interest high school and college graduates who will need to furnish dorm rooms or new apartments in the coming months. 
  • Look for sales on major appliances around Mother’s Day and Memorial Day in May, and on tools and electronics in mid-June, when children are buying gifts for Father’s Day.