For many years, PSC has been deploying fiber optic broadband throughout its telephone cooperative territory and surrounding areas. Approximately 50% of Southern’s members are also PSC members. Back in 2020, the remaining 50% of Southern’s membership lacked access to quality broadband. Engineering estimates of building fiber optics for the remaining Southern members were approximately $25 million.
Southern and PSC began working on plans to bring high-speed broadband (fiber internet) to these remaining members. In 2020, Southern and PSC started to deploy this new fiber project to connect all remaining Sothern members to fiber within five years.
We are excited to report that the fiber mainline construction across Southern’s entire electric service territory is complete! We have constructed over 700 miles of fiber covering 328 square miles, created access to over 5,800 potential customers, and connected nearly 2,000 customers, all within the last four years — one year ahead of schedule. What an incredible accomplishment!
All Southern Indiana Power members can now connect to high-speed internet. This milestone could not have been achieved without the great partnership between Southern and PSC. On behalf of Southern’s members, directors, and employees, I want to express my gratitude to PSC and this partnership.
If you are a Southern member and have not yet been connected to fiber, please give us a call or visit fiber.psci.net to learn how to get connected.
If you are a Southern member with an internet connection that is not with PSC Fiber, I urge you to contact us and hear why you should choose PSC over the competition. PSC Fiber’s connectivity and service are leaps and bounds better than what anyone else in our area can provide. PSC, like Southern, is a not-for-profit cooperative focused on people, not profits.
I am so proud that all Southern Indiana Power members now have access to a world-class fiber connection.