Top 3 responsibilities in a day
- Splice internet fiber in the air or on the ground.
- Happy customers: Make sure they’re pleased before I leave the job site.
- Be available for any service interruptions or other problems that might arise during the day.
What part of your job do you find to be most fulfilling?
No matter how much experience you have in this field, there could be something new to learn every day. It’s also gratifying to turn on new services to our customers or restore services in the event something takes down our network.
What’s the most challenging part of your job?
Probably troubleshooting; there is always something a little different about each problem. You aren’t going to be able to take the same steps each time, so you can never really master the craft of troubleshooting.
Have you had to master new skills in this role?
“Mastering” something in this line of work is pretty hard because you can always get better and quicker at what you’re doing, and the technology is constantly changing. It’s more about being consistent day in and day out.
How would you describe working for a co-op?
I work with some great people! They’re easy to work with. You come in every day, and people are happy about being here. It’s just an all-around good company.