If your garage doubles as a catch-all room for junk you haven’t gotten around to getting rid of, your house has a its own den of hazards
waiting to happen.
If you want your garage to be safe for your family to park cars, retrieve sports equipment or even root around for lost stuff, clean it up.
Here are eight ways to make your garage safer:
- Keep power tools, extension cords and adapters unplugged and stored out of the reach of children.
- Ventilate your garage with fans or ceiling vents.
- Keep raccoons, chipmunks, mice and rodents out of the garage by storing garbage and uneaten food away from it. Such pests can nest in air intakes and vents and chomp on wiring.
- If you must store fuel in the garage, keep it in proper containers that are free from corrosion and sealed tightly.
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the garage.
- Clean up spills. They could be flammable or dangerous to children and pets.
- Discard old batteries by taking them to a recycling center.
- Check with your insurance agent to make sure the contents of your garage are covered in case of fire or other damage.