When Gary Stroh was voted onto the board representing District 7 (Scott and York townships) in 1998, Steuben County REMC had been incorporated for 61 years — with 8,366 members and 800 miles of electrical line.
Those 23 years have brought many changes to our cooperative, including a 45% increase in kWh purchased and a new chapter for the cooperative with the launch of the broadband project.
In addition to serving on the board, he and his late wife, Susan, owned Stroh’s Orchard. He has since recently moved into a new district on REMC’s lines and has vacated his current position on the board.
Thank you, Gary, for your 23 years of service and dedication to the Steuben County community. We hope you enjoy your retirement.
Neasa Kalme has been appointed the interim representative of District 6. Kalme will represent District 6 until Stroh’s existing term expires in June 2022. If you are interested in serving on our board in districts 3, 6 or 7, you can talk to Josh Durbin at our office at 260-665-3563 and pick up a petition at the REMC office.
The board representatives for districts 3, 6 and 7 will be voted on and accepted prior to the 2022 annual meeting. Results will be announced during the annual meeting held Saturday, June 11, 2022. Watch for more details about ways to vote and the format for the upcoming annual meeting in the near future.