NOTE: Board meeting minutes are available on our website,, once approved.
The meeting was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein and Jason Barnhorst kept the minutes of the meeting.
All board members were present with Brian Scheidler attending virtually. Also present were CEO Brett Abplanalp, employees Crystal Greathouse and Matt Raver, and John Wolfram with Catalyst Consulting.
Suzanne Parmer moved to approve the agenda with amendments. Jeff Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Cost of Service Study
John Wolfram discussed the impacts to members on the interruptible industrial tariff and that these members would have access to the new Hoosier LMR program to offset increases.
John Wolfram then discussed the impacts to members on the large coincidental peak tariff. These members would see a 40-45% increase yearly if consumption is the same as the test year. John Wolfram then discussed options for a transitional tariff.
Jason Barnhorst moved to have John Wolfram build a three (3) year transitional tariff for LCP members moving to the large power tariff as an option. Jeff Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff Lawrence moved to rescind the interruptible industrial tariff, effective April 1, 2023. Jason Barnhorst seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Members Address the Board
Members spoke to the board about their concerns about bylaws and Nominating Committee responsibilities.
Safety Minute and Cool Moment
The cool moment was presented by Brett Abplanalp and included the three winners of the Youth Power and Hope awards presented at the Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC) annual meeting. Crystal Greathouse was also recognized for the completion of the LEAD leadership development program.
The safety moment was presented by Brett Abplanalp and included staying away from downed power lines during a weather event.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Jason Barnhorst moved to approve the minutes from the Nov. 28, 2022, board meeting. Suzanne Parmer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Carl Riedeman moved to approve the minutes from the Oct. 27, 2022, board meeting. Suzanne Parmer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
CEO Updates
Brett Abplanalp updated the board on open strategic projects: safety improvement plan, meter pole replacement project, pole replacement project, construction work plan projects, tree trimming refusals and broadband. Brett Abplanalp then reviewed overall company metrics for November as presented on CTO.
Financial Updates
Matt Raver reported on November financials as prepared on CTO.
2023 Budget Approval
The board went into executive session at 8:45 p.m.
The board went back into general session at 10:02 p.m.
An action item was generated by the board for management to make updates to the budget as requested.
Jeff Lawrence moved to approve management’s recommendation to hire two (2) line apprentices and to approve the tree trimming budget for 2023 at a reduction of $250,000. Clay Nuhring seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Policy/Bylaws Review and Report Out
Brett Abplanalp reviewed the following policies with recommended changes:
Policy 4-13: Record Retention & Disposal,
Policy 4-12: Working Capital & Reserve Funds, and
Policy 4-01: Check Signing and Debt Authorization.
Jason Barnhorst moved to approve the recommended redline changes. Suzanne Parmer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Hoosier Energy Board Update
Jason Barnhorst gave the Hoosier board update.
IEC Board/Committee Update
Steve AmRhein gave the IEC update from the annual meeting in Indianapolis. Steve AmRhein, Jason Barnhorst and Brian Scheidler attended.
Suzanne Parmer moved to adjourn the meeting. Jeff Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m.