Summer vacation to remember

Local students attend Camp Kilowatt and Youth Tour to Washington

Posted on Aug 11 2024 in Orange County REMC

Camp Kilowatt

Ella Guetig

Ella Guetig, Campbellsburg, was sponsored by Orange County REMC to attend Camp Kilowatt. The camp was held June 5–8 at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston. More than 90 campers representing 28 Indiana electric cooperatives attended the event, along with chaperones from local co-ops.

Camp Kilowatt featured many typical camp activities such as horseback riding, zip lines, high-ropes, swimming, and archery. The camp also includes electrical safety demonstrations, bucket truck rides (pictured above), environmental education, electrical safety demonstrations, and cooperative business education. More photos from the event are posted in the “News” section at

Camp Kilowatt Bucket Truck Rides

Indiana Youth Tour to Washington

Lee Schrock

Lee Schrock, Orleans, was sponsored by Orange County REMC to participate in the Indiana Youth Tour to Washington on June 16–23. Above, he talks with a guide during the Gettysburg Battlefield tour. Each summer, electric co-ops select students who will be entering their senior year in the fall to attend this unique experience. More photos from the trip are posted at

2024 Indiana Youth Tour

The steps of the Capitol Building are a popular photo location during the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. Orange County REMC delegate Lee Schrock is pictured with the other 64 Indiana delegates. He is in the center of the second row from the top. During the trip, students had the opportunity to visit the Flight 93 Memorial, Gettysburg Battlefield, Arlington National Cemetery, National Museum of the Marine Corps and Smithsonian museums. The delegation also toured the National Mall memorials, visited with Sen. Todd Young on Capitol Hill and more.