Together our small change makes a difference!
Operation Round Up participants put their nickels and dimes to work each month for the good of our community. Customers who volunteer for the program will have their electric bills rounded up to the next dollar each month. For example, rather than paying $61.75, you would pay an even $62, with the extra 25 cents going into the Operation Round Up fund. If you are able to participate in Operation Round UpĀ®, please complete and return this form to Carroll White REMC. You can send it with your payment, drop it by either the Delphi or Monticello office, call in to join the program or sign up on SmartHub at Quarterly updates will appear in this monthly magazine to inform you about the latest distributions Operation Round Up has made in our communities. Please enter information below exactly as it appears on your statement.
NAME: ___________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________
CITY: ________________________ STATE: ________ ZIP: __________________
REMC ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): ______________________________________
SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________________________________
We thank you for your contribution.