Take part in your board of directors election

Check your mailbox for official ballot for board of directors election

Posted on Jul 02 2021 in Kankakee Valley REMC
Kankakee Valley REMC CEO Scott Sears

When Kankakee Valley REMC was founded over 80 years ago, each member – consumer contributed an equal share to obtain electricity that benefited not only themselves but the entire community. Back then, every member-consumer had an equal vote in matters that affected the cooperative. We still believe in our guiding principles of equitable economic participation and democratic control today. This is demonstrated annually during our board of directors election.             

As a cooperative member-consumer, you have a say in the organization’s leadership. Voting in the board of directors election is one way you can actively participate in your cooperative. We invite you to take part in this year’s election by casting a vote later this month.  

We will again be partnering with Survey and Ballot Systems, an organization with a longstanding reputation for providing secure election processes. Just as we have done the past two years, you will be able to vote by mail, online or in-person.  

Beginning July 23, an election packet, including the items below, will be mailed to each member-consumer:

  • A paper ballot that can be completed and mailed
  • A unique ID and election passcode for secure online voting
  • A registration card for admittance into the member appreciation event and annual business meeting.

Mail-in and online voting will be open until Aug. 24. After that time, you will only be able to vote at the member appreciation event. Regardless of how you cast your vote, all member-consumers who vote in the election will receive a $5 bill credit.

We have included information on the member appreciation event and annual business meeting in this issue. Please take a moment to read about the great event we have planned for you on Aug. 26 at the Porter County Expo Center.