Beginning this month, Clark County REMC introduces a new feature for communicating with our members: text alerts! We’ve heard from many members that emails aren’t the best way to reach them, so we’re adding this feature for any member with a cell phone who wants to receive them.
With this feature, Clark County REMC will send you a text any time we identify your location has lost power. We will also send updates when the crew is on the way and when power is restored. If you’re home when an outage occurs, you can send us a text to let us know your power is out, instead of calling our outage hotline and possibly getting a busy signal.
We will also be sending text alerts for other important information, such as when your bill is available, if you’ve missed a payment and are close to being disconnected, or if we are going to be doing maintenance in your area.
Our text alerts can only work if we have the correct phone number. Your phone number is listed on your monthly billing statement. Please check to make sure that this number is correct or contact the office to update your information.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 812-246-3316. As members in this cooperative, we work for you. And when our members speak, we listen.
General Manager

You can now receive text alerts from Clark County REMC on your phone!
Text CLARK to 85700 to enroll. Text OUT to report an outage or STATUS to get an update.
Note: Standard text messaging rates will apply.