The balance between greenery and reliability

Posted on Mar 16 2024 in Jasper County REMC

Jon Rich

To start, I would like to reference my February article and let you know that we are continuing to compile data for our cost-of-service study. I will discuss that again in a few months once we have more information.

The warmer weather is letting us know that spring is on its way. Changing seasons and warmer weather are a good time to discuss how trees and electricity don’t mix.

Your cooperative takes vegetation management seriously. Trees or limbs that touch or fall through our lines cause outages. Keeping the trees away from our lines keeps people safe as well. If a person climbs a tree that is in contact with power lines, they could come in contact with energized lines, potentially causing severe injuries.

We would prefer that trees are not planted near power lines. However, if it can’t be avoided, we have a graphic on the next page showing the different types of trees that grow to different heights. This way, the tree does not get in the way of the power lines.

Jasper County REMC has a dedicated two-person tree crew, and we also use a tree-trimming contractor to keep up with the necessary maintenance. Our linemen also trim trees on the job and during storm restoration. With 1,200 miles of line to maintain, it takes a team effort to maintain our infrastructure. Please slow down and pass with care if you see any of our crews working alongside the road. They are typically working above or around energized lines.

All the maintenance performed by our linemen and tree crews is vital to our commitment to reliable electric service. Enjoy another change of seasons, and know that we are doing our best to balance greenery and reliability.