Petitions are now available for professional, dedicated individuals wanting to serve fellow members as part of the REMC board in districts 4 (Jackson Township), District 5 (Pleasant Township), and District 8 (Steuben, Smithfield and Grant townships). If you reside in one of these townships and are interested in running for election, please contact the office today to get your petition!
Candidates are elected by their fellow members in attendance at the Annual Meeting through a majority vote. We are hopeful this year’s Annual Meeting will be in-person on Saturday, June 12, at Trine University’s ARC. Directors are required to maintain membership with the cooperative, holding permanent residence in one of the nine districts within our service territory. They serve three-year terms, thus districts rotate on a three-year basis.
The nine-member board of directors acts on behalf of the membership, ruling in the members’ best interest in matters of governing the cooperative. The REMC board of directors is the legal body which both the members and the regulatory agencies hold accountable for the actions of the cooperative. Responsibilities include overseeing long-term financial planning and corporate objectives; strategic planning; governing rates and rules of service; operating philosophy and policy; operating budget; and the general manager evaluation.
Directors maintain a vast knowledge of the electric industry, participate in regular training and certification and attend civic, community and industry events throughout the year. Here at Steuben County REMC, we pride ourselves on maintaining a board of directors that is concerned, caring and collectively knowledgeable.
If you reside in Districts 4, 5, and 8, meet the requirements listed above, and would like to be considered for election to the REMC board of directors, you may contact the REMC office and get your petition.
If you have any questions concerning the procedure for election to the board of directors or have questions concerning the duties and responsibilities of members of the board of directors, feel free to contact Britt Holden at the REMC office.