As a service to our members, Kankakee Valley REMC publishes “Trading Post” on its locally-circulated pages of Electric Consumer.
Readers may submit two ads per REMC membership, per month. Please see below for more details!
FOR SALE: 10 acres,.partial woods, located on Hwy 8 within Knox city limits. Can be subdivided for building or farming. $75,000. 574-806-1078.
FOR SALE: Chain link fence,.various lengths and heights, heavy gauge, used. Great for back yard enclosure for dogs, goats, ducks, chickens, etc. 574-867-3800.
FOR SALE: Cut & seasoned firewood. $45 per pick-up load. 219-465-7278.
FOR SALE: Trac great condition; concrete saws; concrete drills; weed whippers. 219-406-1469.
FOR SALE: Tool box,.black for pick-up truck, $40. Brand new muffler for 97 Chevy pick-up. Hardly used, $40. 219-242-3978.
FOR SALE: Magnavox DVD recorder & 4 head hi-fi stereo. VCR converts standard DVD’s to HD quality by HDMI, used once, $50. 219-531-2982.
FOR SALE: Freezer beef. Corn & grass fed, black angus cross. Quarter, halves and whole beef available. 219-331-9669.
FOR SALE: 1-acre private wooded lot. Kouts. 219-766-3644.
WANTED: Chainsaws. Any condition. Any age. Running or not. Echo, John Deere, Homelite, Husqvarna, Stihl, Allis Chalmers, McCulloch, etc. 574-249-2785.
WANTED: Old boat motors, fishing stuff & guns. 219-928-6520.
FOR SALE: Husqvarna lawn tractor,.Briggs & Stratton 24 HP engine, 48” deck, 3 blades, 109 hours, asking $700. Also, a 16 HP Kohler Command 16 engine from a Scotts 16-42 lawn tractor, $100. 219-996-6334.
FOR SALE: La-z- Boy white swivel rocking chair,.$50 obo. 2-green plaid cushions originally from a platform rocker, $10 for both. College sweatshirts: 3-black XL Purdue sweatshirts, like new; 2-gray L Purdue sweatshirts, like new; 1-red M Indiana University sweatshirt, never been worn, $5 each. 219-246-2498.
FOR SALE: Semi truck tires,.various sizes-11-24-5, low profile 11-24-5, low profile 22-5, $100 to $50 each. 219-766-3644.
FOR SALE: Western pleasure show saddle, show bridle and show halter, all like new and lots of silver. Animal water tank, automatic, galvanized 2’ x 4’. 574-867-3800.
FOR SALE: 2007 John Deere x300 lawn tractor.w/42” deck. Well maintained with records, 354.3 hrs. Valued at $1,500, priced at $1,000. 219-476-0323.
FOR SALE: Hormone-free freezer beef. It doesn’t take a degree in “hamburgerology” to know we have superior beef. 219-996-3466.
Trading Post ads appear in the order received and are printed as space allows. Advertisements for businesses will only be printed when space is available. Kankakee Valley REMC reserves the right to refuse printing of any ad. When submitting ad, please include your phone number.
KV REMC, Electric Consumer and its editors are not responsible for the condition or performance of any product or service herein stated, nor are statements within an endorsement. All ads must be submitted by the fourth of the month prior to the printing of the magazine. PLEASE SUBMIT ADS DIRECTLY TO KANKAKEE VALLEY REMC rather than to Electric Consumer.
Because of changes to KV REMC’s website, Trading Post will no longer be appearing online.