Miami-Cass REMC announced in March that the co-op had purchased Broadway Broadband in late January. The company provided fiber and wireless internet to local communities. This purchase was made with two goals in mind: increasing our communication between our electric grid and meters and getting fast, reliable internet to our underserved members and community.
The underconstruction fiber ring around our service area will increase current meter readings from every 15 minutes to every second. This allows for auto switching to happen at our substations in the event power is lost to a home. Where a member currently experiences a power outage, with this new technology, he/she may only notice a blink.
When the REMC purchased Broadway Broadband, it had eight employees and served approximately 1,100 customers. We are now up to 11 employees and serve almost 1,400 customers, most of which are wireless users.
Construction for the almost 150-mile ring began in April and is estimated to take between 18 to 24 months to complete. To date, approximately one third of the ring has been completed,
Approximately 1,000 to 1,100 homes will be passed during the construction of the ring, and the REMC hopes to begin offering internet services to some of these homes as early as the first quarter of this year. At the completion of the ring, it will include the areas of Eagles Point, Denver, Chili, Macy/Gilead, New Waverly, Bunker Hill, Onward, Miami, Lewisburg and Mexico.
There is a waiting list for this exciting new service to members. If you wish to have your name added to the waiting list, please email us at mcremc@mcremc.coop or call us at 765-473-6668. We will be contacting homes that are in the areas where we are working as we build the ring out. Current pricing for the 150 Mbps package is $58.85 and the 300 Mbps package is $85.60. Commercial/business packages will be priced on a case-by-case basis.
Miami-Cass REMC is excited to make high-speed internet available to our members who are in areas that otherwise wouldn’t be able to receive this service. We began as a company in 1939 to provide electricity to the underserved, and it is now our turn to provide reliable and high-speed internet to those in same areas.