JUNE 5–8
Camp Kilowatt delivers a fun, powerful and unique summer camp experience for students entering seventh grade. Located at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, the experience offers horseback riding, canoeing, ziplining, archery, rock-climbing, swimming and more, as well as opportunities to learn about electrical safety, ride bucket trucks and consider careers in the energy industry. Put the amp in camp next summer.
Apply today!
APPLY: Apply by Friday, March 1, at tipmont.com/camp.
JUNE 16–23
Are you a high school junior seeking an all-inclusive life-changing trip? The Indiana Youth Tour’s annual weeklong trip to Washington, D.C., is back for 2024. Tipmont REMC wants to send you, so apply today! Visit monuments and museums in America’s capital and at Gettysburg, connect with Indiana’s U.S. Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill, build new friendships and gain a deeper understanding of our nation’s history and political process.
APPLY: Apply by Wednesday, Jan. 31, at tipmont.com/youthtour.