I am Maggie Maienbrook, a delegate that represented Jasper County REMC on the Indiana Youth Tour. On June 11, we started our trip and I met such amazing people that I am still in touch with today.
Throughout the trip, I was exposed to monuments, museums and tour guides that taught me all about the history of our country. One of my favorite places we visited was the Library of Congress and the Capitol. While in the Library of Congress, I spoke with a very intelligent tour guide who told us all about the history of the books and the people who read them. At the end of the visit, a few of the delegates, including myself, were given the opportunity to get a Library of Congress library card. On Capitol Hill day, we were all able to meet our congressional district leader and talk to them about what is most important to us as users of rural electricity.
I am very thankful for the experience and the information I gathered while visiting Washington, D.C. I want to thank all who made it possible and encourage any upcoming senior to consider applying to attend the Indiana Youth Tour to D.C.